Monday, May 4, 2009

Roughing it.

Here are some pics of my beautiful house. The house is so big that I have a yoga studio. Unfortunately, I have no stove, no microwave, no tv/cable, no internet, no hot water and no blinds on the windows. I don't know how many more toasted bagels I can eat. I am going to get some towels on my bedroom window because the sun is rising at about 4:20 and my body is telling me to get up and start drinking coffee.

I am moving from somewhat bummed to somewhat depressed but surely help will arrive soon in the form of a capable electrician/plumber/cable guy.

On a more positive note, I was warmly welcomed be everyone here and it felt good to be back. If I wasn't on call this weekend, I would have been off on a fishing weekend with my adventurous friend Kelly and some Inu. Kelly ate raw fish head and ptarmigan intestines and said she had the best weekend of her entire life.

Ok apparently I can't upload pics at the moment - sorry, hopefully coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. aww. :-( you'll look back on this and laugh i'm sure. Is there a camping stove anywhere to be borrowed? Hoping hot water and electrical arrive soon!
